Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Earth review

Platform:N64 Released:2000
Story: You are Saki: Ruffian exterminater. The place: Japan, The time:2007(whoa), The situation: A group of mutated animals called Ruffians and the army at their desposial, led by the sinister Brad, want you dead. Your allies: Achi, a young prophecy, and Airan, your fellow Ruffian exterminater. What is about to happen to these fellows, you might ask? An unbelievable twist of fate...
Gameplay: A fantastic arcade-style shooter with plently of trick and traps, action, challenges, and stuff to blow up. It's an absolutly stunning N64 game, it has an awesome soundtrack, and its on the wii virtual console for a measly $12. The only problem is that it's way too short.
Rating: 9.5/10

Dementium: The Ward review

Platform:DS Released:2007
Story: You are a man who wakes up in a hospital infested with zombie-like monsters and mutant insects with recolection of your past. However, your memory is sparked when you find a newpaper with the headline "man murders family". What does it mean? Why are these creatures here? Why are YOU here? To uncover the past, you must journey through the horrid hospital in search of anwsers and the way out...
Gameplay: It's a surprisingly deep 1st person shooter that has a real-time flashlight to explore the hospital, a large array of weapons to choose from, deep combat, but an abosolutly god awful save system. You get checkpoint saves and can save your place at anywhere, anytime, but whenever you die you have to start back at the start of the chapter weither you did this or not. Seriously Renegade kid, save points(like the notebook in silent hill), not check points. Other than that, a worthy survival horror game on the DS. With fantastic graphics, horrifiying atmosphere and sound, and at a good length, no less!
Rating: 8.5/10

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It looks like we are finally getting things under way!

Sorry it took so long to start this blog up, I've been EXTREMELY busy. The 1st game review that I hope to have on here soon is Dementium: The Ward for the Nintendo DS. I will be open for suggestions as well. However, there ARE some guidelines for this. Some set in stone, some I hope to change. (One of which VERY SOON.)
#1. I only review true games (Nothing like nicktoons blast or Cars: Maternational)
#2. I don't have an xbox 360 or a PS3 so I can't review those games. I DO however have a wii.
#3. Don't be upset if I don't review your game right away or if I can't do it at all. (Sorry to those people in advance.) If I don't have the game you requested I have to buy it and I may not have the money for it.
Having said all that, I plan to review a mix of retro and current games. I'm looking forward to your suggestions!